CSS Basics

Styling your markup

Web Typography Workshop @ Letterform Archive
Week 1

Cascading Style Sheets

CSS = Cascading Stylesheets

CSS is the language determining the look and feel of HTML elements.
CSS defines the form of a website’s content by listing rules for how elements should appear.

Layers of a webpage

Layer Language / File Type
content HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
form Cascading StyleSheets (CSS)
behavior JavaScript (JS)


p { color: blue; }
A CSS assignment
selector (targeted html element) p
opening curly brackets {
declaration (rules applied to that element) color: blue;
property what you’re formatting, such as size and color) color
colon :
value (what you’re setting the specified property to be) blue
semicolon to end value;
closing curly brackets }

How it works

There are 2 components to styling your website.

  1. Write your CSS with the selectors relevant to your HTML markup.
  2. Load that CSS into your webpage.

Inline CSS

Inline styles are specified as an attribute inside of an individual HTML element with the syntax style="property: value;" and applies only to that element. This is the least desirable way, as it can be inefficient and lead to inconsistencies.

<p style = "color: blue;"> First paragraph text. </p>
<p> Second paragraph text. </p>

First paragraph text.

Second paragraph text.

Internal CSS

Internal CSS is declared within the head of the document. Selectors apply to all instances of that page. This keeps the HTML markup clean and uncluttered. It’s much more efficient than inline styling, but not as effective as external stylesheets.

	<style type="text/css">
		p  {
		 color: blue;
  <p>First paragraph text.</p>
  <p>Second paragraph text.</p>

External CSS

External CSS keeps all css declarations in a separate document that gets pulled into the webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">

Selectors apply to all matching elements in all webpages that use the same stylesheet. This method is the ideal method of formatting your site, since it ensures consistency across pages. It also keeps things flexible: by changing one property in the external stylesheet, all instances could be easily changed.


The selector refers to how the CSS targets elements to style. Instead of writing a rule for every element, we can write overarching rules that apply to most elements, then override the properties on individual elements. Usually, you would want to write the most general rules first, then the more specific ones. Selectors help tailor our rules to define specific elements. The more specific the selector, the higher its priority.

Element Selectors

Elemen selectors simply use the HTML tag name to target that element, such as body, p, h1, ul, li, table, etc.

Your CSS

	color: red;
	color: blue;

<h1>This is an h1</h1>
<p>Paragraphs are blue</p>
<h2>This is an h2</h2>
<p>This is another paragraph</p>
	<li>A list item</li>
	<li>Another list item</li>

This is an h1

Paragraphs are blue

This is an h2

This is another paragraph

  • A list item
  • Another list item


Inheritance is a key concept in CSS. It refers to how children take on css properties of their parents if they don’t have that property specified. Not all css declarations are inherited. In the previous example, the h1, h2, ul, li elements all inherited the color: red rule from the body.


By assigning a class to elements (with the class attribute) in your HTML, we can apply your rule to just elements that have that particular class. In your stylesheet, all class names are preceded by a period (.).

Your CSS

.highlight {
	background: yellow;

<p>This is Demo text </p>
<p class="highlight"> Paragraph text 1 </p>
<p> Paragraph text 2 </p>
	<li class="highlight">List item 1 </li>
	<li>List item 2</li>
	<li>List item 3</li>

This is Demo text

Paragraph text 1

Paragraph text 2

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3


Ids work similarly to classes, but only one element may be given a particular id. You define id names by preceding them with a hash symbol (#).

Your CSS

.highlight {
	background: yellow;

#demo {
	font-weight: bold;

<p id="demo">This is Demo text </p>
<p class="highlight"> Paragraph text 1 </p>
<p> Paragraph text 2 </p>
	<li class="highlight">List item 1 </li>
	<li>List item 2</li>
	<li>List item 3</li>

This is Demo text

Paragraph text 1

Paragraph text 2

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3

Note: Class and IDs names should not include spaces or special characters, or begin with a number.

Multiple selection

By separating selectors with commas, you can apply the same rule to multiple HTML elements.

Your CSS

h2, .introduction{
	font-size: 2rem;

<h2>This is my h2</h2>
<p class="introduction">
	This is a paragraph with class '.introduction'

This is my h2

This is a paragraph with class '.introduction'

Child selection

By separating selectors with spaces, you can the structure of your HTML—the nested hierarchy—to target specific elements.

Your CSS

p, h2{
	font-size: 1rem;
	background: yellow;
.summary p{
	font-size: 2rem;


<p>This is a regular paragraph</p>
<div class="summary">
	<h2>This is an h2 within summary</h2>
		This is a paragraph that is nested within a 
		.summary div

This is a regular paragraph

This is an h2 within summary

This is a paragraph that is nested within a .summary div

The Cascade

Cascade refers to the way the stylesheet processes and assigns weights to rules that apply to the same element, ultimately determining which properties will modify a given element. The weight—how strong a rule is—is determined by the following three parameters:

  1. Origin
  2. Specificity
  3. Rule Order

1. Origin

Stylesheets may come from 3 different sources, processed in the following order

  1. User agent The browser’s default style sheet.
  2. User Such as the user’s browser options.
  3. Author This is the CSS provided by the page (whether inline, embedded or external.) Inline > Internal > External

2. Specificity

When rules within the same stylesheet conflict, the type of selector determines which has more weight. These are some common selectors, ordered from least specific to most specific.

  1. Type Element selectors h1, p, li
  2. Class Class selectors .myclass, :hover, [disabled]
  3. Id ID selectors #myid

The specifity adapts according to whether you use the structure of HTML hierarchy. For example, p a{ color: red;} (a link tag within a paragraph) is more specific than a{ color: blue; } (a link tag anywhere).

3. Rule order

Between style rules of identical weight, last one wins

※ note: the !important rule allows overrides to this hierarchy, but should be used sparingly


Color can be specified in various formats. You can inspect color codes by using the color picker in your dev tools (inspector.)

format sample syntax
RGB(A) color: rgb (255,0,0); color: rgba (255,0,0,0.5);
HSL(A) color: hsl(0,100%,50%); color: hsla(0,100%,50%,0.5);
Hex color: #ff0000; color: #f00;
Color name color: red;

Note: the color css property only specifies the foreground text color of elements. Use background-color to specify the color of your entire element area.


Some common text-styling properties include:

property description possible values
text-align alignment of text left, right, center, justify
font-family what typeface see typefaces
font-size text size see units
font-weight the weight of your type normal, bolder, 700
font-style text formatting normal, italic, oblique
line-height “leading” or height of box surrounding line best declared unit-less, relative to font, i.e. 1.2, 0.9
letterspacing “tracking” or spacing between each letter best declared in ems, relative to font, ie. 0.01em, -0.03em
text-transform text case capitalize, uppercase, lowercase, none


There are 3 primary sources of fonts from which you can choose:

  • System fonts These are fonts installed on the computer. If you specify on a font that exists on your system, your website visitors must also have the font installed on their machine. There are several fonts known to be installed across Windows and Mac computers, such as Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Georgia, Verdana. Choices are limited.
  • Self-hosted webfonts if you upload your own font files, you can use the @font-face rule. Font Squirrel has a web font generator that converts desktop fonts to web font formats, but you may not have the permissions.
  • Externally hosted webfonts Google Fonts & Adobe Fonts offer services with easy implementation — simply copy/paste the provided code.

More on this later!

CSS Size Units

unit description
px absolute measurements, only relative to the resolution of the screen. The same type size will look larger when a screen has a resolution of 800x600 than it would when it is 1280x800.
em ratio relative to the element’s immediate parent container
rem ratio relative to the document root size (usually 16px by default)
% percentage ratio relative to the element’s immediate parent container, based on the size of same property of the parent element
vw 1 vw unit is 1% of the window width
vh 1 vh unit is 1% of the window height

The Box Model

The box model refers to how block-level elements can be controlled. It is easily inspect-able in your developer tools.

property description
margin the space around the element; between the element and its surrounding elements
border a line surrounding the element width
padding the space between the content and the edge of the element (or border)
content the actual content / text within the element
width the width of the content*
height the height of the content*

Note: *By default, the width and height of the element excludes the padding within the box.

Box-Model Adjustment

If you found the box model (in which the padding and border are outside of the element dimensions) to be unintuitive, you can use the box-sizing property. Setting this to border-box includes the padding and border width in the element width. So when you set box-sizing: border-box; on an element, the padding and border of that element no longer increase its width or height.

Collapsing margins

Collapsing margins, where two margins cancel out each other, happens in 2 cases:

  • When two vertical margins come in contact with one another. If one margin is greater than the other, then that margin overrides the other, leaving one margin.
  • Collapsing margins also occur when the margin of a child element crosses the margin of its parent.

See examples of collapsed margins

Use the Inspector

The element inspector is a great way to verify the CSS properties applied to your elements. When thinking about CSS properties, imagine that there is an invisible box around each HTML element. Note: You may need to go into your developer tool settings to see the default browser (user-agent) styles.

Exercise: Inspector Experiment

In small groups, use the browser’s inspector to adjust a webpage’s styling.

  1. Open up the same webpage.
  2. Using the Inspector tools, make adjustments to the website. Experiment with different selectors; dig into the casacade. See what properties are inherited, what isn’t. Dive into the box model.
  3. Take a screenshot (Mac: shift + command + 4 + space or Windows: alt + PrtScn to select a window to capture), and share this with your group. (Don’t refresh the page, as that will clear your Inspector adjustments.)

CSS Troubleshooting

  • Do you have opening and closing brackets?
  • Does your property and value pairs have colons in between them?
  • Do you have a semicolon at the end of each declaration?
  • Are your class / id names properly spelled, in the right case?