Type and Tools

The relationship of letters and technology: an incomplete overview

Web Typography Workshop @ Letterform Archive
Week 4

The Pen

Persian Cuneiform
Cuneiform c.3000 BCE—300CESource
Reed Stylus
Blunt end of a reed stylus into wet clay tablets Source
Tigris River
Tigris River Source
Nile River
Nile River Source
Egyptian reed pens
Egyptian reed pens Source
Hieratic script on Papyrus
c.1600 BCE: Hieratic script on Papyrus Source
Qalam: pen made of cut, dried reed for ArabicSource
Ancient Chinese Script on Oracle Bones
c.1200 BCE: Ancient Chinese Script on Oracle Bones Source
Seal script example
c. 221 BCE: Seal script style Source
Clerical Script
c. 185 Han Dynasty Clerical Script Source
Types of calligraphic scripts
Types of Chinese calligraphic scripts Source
hanko styles
Japanese hanko Source
Comparison of ancient writing systems
Comparison of ancient writing systems Source
Burmese manuscripts
Three different styles of the Burmese script Source
Burmese ParabaikSource
Brahmi Letter Shapes
Brahmi letter shapesSource
South Indian Palm trees Source
Birch bark Source
Roman forms
Roman brush letteringSource
Brush and Cchisel
Broad flat brushes defined the letters before they were carved, giving rise to “serifs” Source
Brush and Cchisel
Gen Ramirez’s diagram of brush strokes for Roman Capitals Source
Relationships of various scripts
Evolution of various Roman / Greek uncials Source
Book of Kells
c. 800: Book of Kells Source
Parchment and Paper maker
1568: Parchment and paper maker. Source

Movable Type

Chinese Movable Type
1041: Bi Sheng in China invents “movable type” from a clay-like material similar to porcelain Source
1377: Korean Buddhist document Jikji, oldest metal type specimenSource
Woodblock printing
Korean printing blockSource
Printing Press
1436: Gutenberg develops the printing press Source
Printing Press
The Gutenberg Bible is an example of the earliest mass-produced publication set with movable typeSource
Punch-Matrix System
Type Shop in Plantin Moretus Museum, Antwerp.
Punch-Matrix System
A type drawer, with compartments for each letter by size
Punch-Matrix System
c. 1876: Punch (left) and matrix (right) used in type-founding. Source
The production of metal type Source
Printing Press demonstration
Press demonstration at Plantin Moretus Museum, Antwerp.
ATF Caslon Specimen 1923
American Type Foundry Caslon Specimen, 1923 Source
72pt and 6pt capital C
72pt and 6pt capital CSource
Aldus Manutius
Aldus Manutius (c. 1452-1515) and italic forms Source
1818: BodoniSource
1874: Different weights are developed to provide emphasis Source
1918: Morris Fuller Benton develops a variety of weights and styles for Cheltenham. It was among the first typefaces to be released as a type ‘family.’Source
Hamilton Wood Type Specimen
1899 specimen from Hamlton Wood Type Source
Wooden type
Wooden type allowed much larger sizes to be printed Source
Wood Type Poster
With the impact of Wood type, posters proliferated for entertainment, advertising, political campaignsSource
Linotype Machines
Linotype Machines enabled printing many copies more efficiently, enabling a more rapid pace of journalism Source
‘Farewell, Etaoin Shrdlu’ was a documentary on the end of “hot type.”Source
Sholes Typewriter
1873: Sholes and Glidden typewriter with QWERTY keyboard Source
Typewriter Mechanisms
Typewriter Mechanisms Source
IBM Selectric Type Samples
IBM Selectric Type Samples Source

Digital Type

Morisawa Phototypesetting Machine from 1960s Source
Photo-typesetting mechanismSource
Frutiger’s Univers aimed to take advantage of Phototypsetting technology. Source
1965: Rudolf Hell invents Digiset, the first digital typesetter Source
Apple Macintosh
Gerard Unger’s Demos, decomposed of several hundred bitmaps, to be used for typesetting on the Hell Digiset Source
A 8 x 8 bitmap composed of 0s and 1sSource
Apple Macintosh
1984: Apple Macintosh Source
Susan Kare Icons
1984: Susan Kare Icons Source
2003: Kare’s Chicago font on third-generation iPod Source
Netscape Navigator
Netscape Navigator Browser, 1995 for Windows XPSource
Websafe fonts
A sample of core “Websafe” fonts
1974: Outline fonts are drawings constructed by mathematical formula, allowing any character outline to be scalable to any size. Source
Adobe Postscript, 1985 Source
Apple TrueType splines, late 1980s Source
Cubic Bezeir
Cubic Bezier CurvesSource
Cubic Bezeir
All types of Bezier CurvesSource
Multiple Master
1991: Adobe Multiple Master, a predecessor to Open Type Variable Fonts Source
Open Type
1997: Microsoft / Adobe Open Font Format extends font’s typographic and language support capabilities.Source

OpenType 1.8

Variable Fonts

A variable font is a single font file contains many different variations of a typeface, instead of having a separate font file for every width, weight, or style. This format was developed in collaboration by Adobe, Apple, Google, and Microsoft.

The full family of Magmatic requires 30 files
Which would require 30 HTTP requests, and a data load of 2.1MB to be downloaded
As a variable font, it is a single file request of 478KB (88% lighter)

Digital letterforms are made of mathematical
equations, as functions of time

Masters and Instances
Masters vs. Instances Source
Master Compatibility view of outlines



Design Space visualizer
Design space visualizer (Occupant Fonts)
Design Space visualizer
Instance positions within the design space
Laurence Penney’s Samsa, Variable Font Inspector
Axis Tag Description Valid Range
wght weight 1—1000
wdth width >0, percent of normal width
opsz optical sizing >0, point sizes
ital italicization 0—1
slnt slant -90—90
Standard Axes for Open Type 1.8

Axes of Variation: to be continued